We exist to glorify God by making disciples through gospel-formed worship, community, and mission.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is central to everything at Happy Valley Baptist Church. We are undeserving recipients of God's grace and that impacts every aspect of our lives. In, short we are a Gospel-Formed people. Here is how that affects our values and the mission of our church:
Our Core Values
All people exist to worship God and glorify Him. As receipeints of God's redeeming grace, we respond to this great news by seeking to glorify Him in all that we do. At Happy Valley, we worship together weekly through singing, prayer, studying and submitting to God's Word, partaking in the Lord's Supper, and serving together.
The people of God are adopted into the family of God as sons and daughters. Because we have been loved by God, we are free to love one another. We believe the community of Happy Valley should reflect these spiritual realities and that our love for one another should be a defining mark of our church. The primary way we see this expressed and experienced at Happy Valley is through Life Groups.
The call to follow Jesus is a call to the mission of Jesus; the two cannot be separated. As the receipients of God's pursuit of us, we believe everyone at Happy Valley should be in pursuit of those who do not yet know Jesus. We want to make Jesus known throughout the Valley and to every nation. We encourage everyone to invest in people around them and invite others to know the saving grace of Jesus. We are also committed to planting churches and sending missionaries all over the world and to giving our time, resources, and people to accomplish this task.
Making disciples is the principle call of God to His church. That means every one of us should be committed to growing in godliness, by God's grace and through the power of the Holy Spirit, in our own lives and should be intent on helping others grow in Christlikeness as well. Disciple-making is part of everything we do, but it is perhaps most concretely expressed through Life Groups, Discipleship Groups, and Equipping Classes.
The mission of Happy Valley Baptist Church is to Make Jesus Known in the Valley and to the Nations.
Jesus told His disciples, "As the Father has sent me, even so am I sending you" (John 20:21) and later explained that they would be sent to make disciples in every nation (Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:8). Every single person at Happy Valley Baptist Church is called to live a life on mission with Jesus to reach the lost with the good news of the Gospel. As a church, we collectively seek to accomplish our mission through multiplication. We aim to multiply Life Groups, plant churches, and send missionaries in order to see the gospel go forth to the Valley and to every nation.
In short, we believe the Lord has called us to make disciples who make disciples and plant churches that plant churches. We invite you to join us in this great work!