The missionary heart of God is on display all throughout His Word. In fact, Jesus sending His followers out with the good news of salvation and life in Him is the driving impulse for everything the church is about. 

At Happy Valley, we believe God has called each and every one of us to be about making multiplying disciples and multiplying churches. We want everyone personally and prayerfully sharing the gospel with people in their lives and we, as a congregation, make church planting in Phoenix, the United States, and all over the world our primary aim. We would love to partner with you to Make Jesus Known! If you are interested in taking your next step in personal evangelism, church planting, or being a part of a mission trip, contact us and we would love to help you get started!

We seek to multiply disciples and plant churches through three primary partnerships and initiatives. Watch these videos to learn more. 

Personal Evangelism: Who's Your One?


North American Church Planting: NAMB



International Missions: IMB