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HV Kids exists to equip parents and to come alongside them as they Make Jesus Known to their children. Each of our classes, programs, and events are structured to make each child feel welcomed, valued, and ready to learn gospel truths relevant to their developmental stage of life.

Here are some practical ways that we engage in equipping parents and discipling students:

  • Sunday Morning: For classes of all ages meeting at 9:00am as well as the infants-kindergarten classes meeting during the Worship Service, we use The Gospel Story curriculum. This curriculum helps children learn to read and apply the Bible in their lives, learning to connect all of Scripture to who Jesus is and what He has done. Students read through the entire Bible every 3 years.
  • AWANA - Our midweek AWANA ministry for children 3 years old - 6th grade meets each Wednesday during the Fall and Spring semesters to memorize and apply God’s Word to their lives. It is a fun and engaging time for students to build relationships while they memorize Scripture in age-appropriate ways.
  • We also host a variety of events throughout the year to help disciple your students as well as support parents, including parenting classes, Vacation Bible School, and Kids’ Camp! Contact our Director of Student Ministries to learn more.

Curriculum and Resources:

As we partner together to disciple this next generation, here are several resources that we have found helpful in our ministry and we hope will equip and encourage you as well.